Ruby Allure's Books

Ruby Allure's Books
Ruby Allure's Books

Friday 27 May 2016

The Joy of Releasing Children's books

Share the Joy...

There are certain things in life that are a real joy and for me sitting creating random stories that make me laugh at the computer is one of them... I know... However, if you don't laugh hysterically at your own jokes then why should other people find them funny? Well that is my justification - I practice my humour on myself!

Anyway now that you all know that I can be found at a laptop laughing, I wanted to share my joy. Writing for children has to be one of the most fun things ever. First of all you can be a real kid when you write and children get the most bizarre humour. What's more, when you see their little faces light up because they love the story... Well that to me is just magical. Of course the best bit is when they actually laugh at something that you have spent ages laughing at... Phew! So today I released Tingle Dingle and The Little Mischiefs - it will be on sale tomorrow on Kindle. It is aimed at the ages 4-7. It was yet another really fun little book that was written for my friend's kiddies. These are the same people that persuaded me to release The Hairy Legged Mystery. So this week two new books have hit the market and I always find it interesting to watch the response... We will see... In the meantime, here is the first chapter. I hope you like it... This book was written to be a bedtime story...

Tingle Dingle and The Little Mischiefs.


Tingle could not help herself as she quietly placed the huge spider on her Aunty Joanne’s plate while she was not looking. Tingle sat waiting quietly knowing that no one had noticed except for her little brother. He knew not say anything otherwise there would be trouble! There was silence in the open plan apartment while the two children waited.

They waited and waited and waited. For two minutes Tingle and Josh sat quietly watching the huge spider climb Aunty Joanne’s roast potatoes. Her aunty stopped chatting, lifted her fork and then... ‘AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,’ Aunty Joanne’s shrill scream made both Tingle and Josh cover their ears.

Aunty Joanne jumped backwards from her chair.

The chair hit a table full of ornaments. SMASH! CRASH! and BAMMMMM!

Tingle sniggered. Her mother quickly grabbed a glass and covered the spider. She then dashed to the communal garden where the spider was released into the grass.

Tingle hid her giggles behind her hand.  Josh sat picking at his peas.

Aunty Joanne frowned, ‘You did that didn’t you Tingle?’

Tingle made her best innocent little girl’s face. 

Aunty Joanne smiled to herself. ‘You think you will get away with it don’t you?’

‘Get away with what?’ Tingle replied sweetly biting the crunchy bit of a roast potato on the end of her fork.

Tingle could not help herself, if there was mischief to be had then Tingle had to be involved. Tingle was the type of little girl that had messy hair, mud on her lovely dresses and had often decorated her younger brother with lipstick on his forehead. She was nearly eight years old and neither tall or short but my goodness she could have a proper tantrum if she did not get her way.  That was Tingle all over - she had to have her own way and create mischief. What made it worse was she had to make sure that she was centre of attention.

When her mother returned from freeing the spider, she stood by the dinner table with her hands on her hips. Tingle was in trouble. She knew she was going to be punished but it was worth it!




Tuesday 24 May 2016

The Hairy-Legged Mystery

The Mystery of The Hairy-legged Mystery...

Okay I admit it - when I wrote The Hairy-legged Mystery I was not expecting to publish it. I wrote it as a bit of fun to read to my friend's children. I wanted to provide a real sense of mystery for five to seven year olds... I also intended to make it a joy / amusing for my best friends to read to their little ones... They know me well and are aware I have a certain sense of humour. Of course they expected some rather random events that would make them smile. Well it seems that a book about hairy legs seems to have proven popular with the kiddies and parents -  so I put it on Kindle. To make it even more exciting an audio producer has snapped it up in the last hour to produce on audio... So something is going on with it:) Oh God - imagine after writing all my other books that I get known for a hairy-legged mystery. That is hysterical in itself!

Here is the synopsis:

One afternoon, while Ben and Jenny play in the garden, Ben notices a pair of extremely hairy legs belonging to a huge creature hiding in their hedge. Just as they investigate they are called in for tea. From that moment on the pair attempt to determine what the ‘creature’ is. During the night they watch from their bedroom window and can see the outline of a hairy shape lurking in the darkness. It had to be a monster didn’t it? What did that monster want? The whole thing was turning into a mystery. Why had the cucumber patch been destroyed? Had the creature taken the fruit bowl? Why would the prize roses be beheaded? Was the creature trying to get their attention? The whole thing had turned into a hairy legged mystery!

The Hairy-legged Mystery

By Ruby Allure

Copyright Ruby Allure 2016

All rights fall with Ruby Allure

For the ‘little dudes’ that find my random stories amusing.

Thank you for making me give this to the world!




What was that wriggling in the hedge?

Ben, a scruffy bean-pole of a boy aged nine, paused and picked up his ball. The sun had finally come out and the smell of damp grass and earth hung in the air. He glanced back at his little sister, Jenny, who was coated in mud. Her curly dark hair was encrusted against her face and her green eyes looked impatient as usual. She stood with her hands on her hips waiting because she wanted to play! With a Shhh! sign Ben waved her over and pointed. With a frown and a stomp she trampled over. ‘Come on!’ she said irritably. Ben made another Shhh! sign.
“What?” Jenny whispered.

With a confused look she followed his gaze and listened. There it was again, a rustling, a snorting and a gulping. What was it? “Oooop, ooop…”

The brother and sister crouched down and peered at the bracken beneath the hedge. Two very hairy legs with dark feet that looked like long sultanas stood in some mud. The pair glanced at each other.  They had never seen anything like it before.
“What is it?” mouthed Jenny.
“It’s not human,” Ben replied with a shrug. There was definitely some kind of creature close by. Had it emerged from the forest beyond their garden? Did they dare find out?

 “Tea time!” called their mother.
The pair stood up and did not know what to do. Should they tell their parents or should they find out more?
“Come on kids” said their father strolling out onto the patio. “What’s so exciting that you want to stay outside instead of have your tea?”
“Nothing!” They both replied at the same time.

Their father studied them with a certain look on his face.
“Nothing eh?” Well then you best get in for your tea. “I made Lasagne and your mother made fruit trifle.”

There was definitely something there...



Monday 23 May 2016

The Lost and The Found

The Lost and The Found

Have you ever worked really hard on something only to have it disappear never to be seen again?
Have you ever had that gut-wrenching feeling that something you loved creating would never see the light of day? This is what happened to me about ten years ago. I changed from using a mac to a pc (I know). My old mac died and the plug converter broke. Since it was such an old school mac I could not find another converter. When that mac died it took with it around six years of writing. Imagine  if you had spent two years writing a book and three of those were lost which added up to six years worth of work. What made it worse was five scripts also disappeared into dead digital ether. Yes I did do back up files; however, this was at a time when windows could not convert to the coding effectively and I ended up with pages of what appeared to be Greek letters. What made it worse was that I had put my heart and soul into those three books.

Well after my holiday in Thailand, I had a real craving for one of the books. To the point that I considered writing the whole thing again from scratch. It is odd really because a book is part of you until you release it to the world. It is only by experiencing completion, that you feel free to move on. I don't know whether this happens for other authors. These three books have been niggling me over the last year. They have been lurking in my unconscious desiring completion. What could I do?

Well the last couple of weeks I have been off work with Deep Vein Thrombosis. The advice was to keep moving rather than sit around. So in my time off,  which I don't have that much of, I decided on simplicity. On holiday I had read about Simplicity and it resonated to the point where it felt like the way forwards. So what did I do? I cleared and cleaned and then cleared some more. There was such a sense of release and I feel I have developed anti-stuffism. Think about it - what does an author really need? So while I was clearing out I found my old back up C.D's and gazed upon them sadly. I considered just binning them; however, I thought I would put them on my old laptop and transfer the files to my hard drives. I then looked at the files and thought - I should give conversion one last try. My old files were CWK files which I wanted as DOCS. Well I typed this into Google and a fabulous chap had miraculously provided a step by step guide and guess what? They all converted almost perfectly. Honestly the joy I felt about resurrecting those books and knowing they could be completed and released was beyond comprehension. I felt as though I had had a huge lottery win. I know.... I literally jumped around with joy because I had loved writing those books. There was one in particular that was such a fun book. So now I simply have to do a final edit and three more of my fun fictions can enter the digital publishing world. That in itself is completion and I often wonder whether these books purposely chose to be dormant. The reason I say this was that one of the books talks about survival (it's a children's book) and over the last five years my brother has become obsessed with survival skills. He talks endlessly about it. So much so I could probably survive on a remote island through his repetitious conditioning. I even purchased a fire stick just in case... Yep - I really did that and it still resides amongst my minimalist possessions. So all that he has talked about can be written into the book before release. With all that is mind I am celebrating... the discovery of my lost novels and the release of THE HAIRY-LEGGED MYSTERY, which comes out tomorrow.
In celebration of all of the above - I have put my Kindle books on COUNTDOWN DEALS from the 25th May 2016 Yipee!

Oh and the cover for The Hairy-Legged Mystery:


Friday 13 May 2016

If this can save a life... DVT

If this can save a life then it is worth it...

So do you know what deep vein thrombosis is? It is a blood clot that congeals and blocks the deeper veins of the body. It can occur in any part of the body; however, it usually turns up in the legs. You may wonder why I write this; well, I always thought that DVT was for people who drank too much on planes, were obese or old... Yep I know... a narrow way of looking at it. However, I have just returned from holiday and realised that I had a deep vein thrombosis. I was very lucky because I am a little bit focused on my health and fitness. I compete at rowing, can be found on a paddleboard at six in the morning. I go to the gym six days a week. I don't drink alcohol and I make sure I drink around 3 litres of water a day. My main belief is that the body is a phenomenal piece of transport to carry the soul through life. So I make sure that it has all the nutrition it needs, is massages and maintained to its absolute ability. After-all who wants their transport to break down?

Now imagine my shock when I felt a sudden pain in the back of my leg during the flight back from Thailand. It felt like someone had pressed into my leg and something was clogged. You know how in the night you have a cramp, well this was a feeling of a long thing cramp down the middle of my calf. It happened while I was asleep in an exit row isle seat. What made it all the more surprising is that I had drunk 3 litres of water, had walked around and had leg room. I was not your typical candidate. What made it stranger is that when I woke up, the voice of intuition shouted DVT into my mind. I wasn't going to ignore it.

When I arrived home I went to hospital and stated that I thought I had Deep Vein Thrombosis. They looked at me curiously and took blood tests. I was correct and then proceeded to have scans to understand the extent to which I was affected. Now before we go any further, I am not writing this for sympathy or anything like that, however, so many people ignore the signs and that is what leads to potential death. If the condition is not treated there can be a situation where the clot becomes loose, travels around the body and can block the heart or lungs. The reason I know this is because it has happened to three of my friends, two of whom are athletes. They all survived; however, the pain they experienced resulted in morphine intake. They both survived and I only found out they had experienced this when I let them know why I could not train for racing for the next couple of months. So Deep Vein Thrombosis is not limited to sludgy sorts who don't care for themselves (that line is not going to make me popular - oh well!) It can affect anyone. I found this out when talking to a nurse who advised me of late numerous fitness people had ended up in the DVT specialist ward, all of whom were completely bemused it had happened to them. Most only went to hospital when they collapsed. This is why I write this... It is worth catching it early and better to get to the hospital and be given the all clear.

So after chatting to the whole of the DVT waiting room, each identified their issue with the following systems on or after leaving a plane (please note - DVT can happen from sitting for extended periods of time in any situation).

A feeling like cramp in the middle of a muscle as though someone had pressed hard into the muscle.
A muscle spasm.
The leg completely swelling up.
A sharp pain along a line within your body.
Collapsing unexpectedly.
Becoming short of breath - this was one chap's pulmonary embolism.

Obviously there are far more symptoms; however, I am referencing the people in the waiting room. I am not a medical expert. Instead, since I have close to twenty thousand people read my blog, I wanted to share the insights because many of us live in the mentality of  'it could not happen to me'. In this case it did happen to me - and I would love for something positive to come from it. If this can save a life... then the blog was worth it.




Thursday 12 May 2016

Facing Fear

Facing Fear
Image result for fear

How much of your life has been dominated by fear? How often does fear step in and say ‘no don’t – it will make you look a fool or it is dangerous?’ Imagine if fear had turned up as you entered the birth canal. Imagine if it say – ‘no don't! - It's dangerous out there and that birth canal can squash your head. It is better that you stay in here, it is warm, it is safe.’ Hmmm and that is the moment life truly begins. We have the courage to be squashed and released into the world to experience life and what an experience it is. The thing is we all experience situations or circumstances that hurt us and we develop fears. Those fears accumulate over a life time. They make are concerned, they protect us but irrational fears inhibit us.
Image result for fear

Now the reason that I write this is that while I was on holiday  in Thailand and faced one of my greatest fears, that fear had been caused by an incident 15 years ago. So let me give you an insight: it was 2001 Egypt, Sharm El Sheik to be exact. I had just completed my PADI open water diving exam and passed (yippee). Anyway my first dive as a diver proved to be an experience that I would not wish on anyone. While I was about fourteen meters down my air cut out. My buddy was a little ahead of me and it was at a time when there was not a spare breathing piece on each tank. At the time I knew that if I panicked it would result in death. I calmly swam to my buddy and let him know and we shared air and gradually ascended to the surface. However, I was concerned his air would run out too. The chatter inside my head went completely loopy saying things like ‘see don’t put yourself in danger.’ ‘You knew this would happen…’ Then the cycles of negative thoughts played round and round. Anyway we surfaced and made it back to the boat. I then heard tales where there had been far worse repercussions. After that experience was it a surprise that I did not go diving again?
Image result for fear water

So last week I was in Thailand with a great friend of mine who at the age of 56 is retraining as a dive instructor. This woman’s attitude to life is inspirational and nothing is impossible. She teaches people to fly gliders. So as part of our holiday we popped into a dive shop to arrange her next dive. She turned to me and said I am surprised you haven’t done your diving exams since you surf, paddleboard, row and basically want to be a mermaid. I said that I had and said I had lost my diving card. Well the chap typed in my name into the computer and there I was – PADI registered. I just needed to do a refresher. It was at that moment that I thought well I can run away from this or I can face this fear. I explained what had happened and that I had not dived since. The chap  was surprised and very sympathetic and said that he would make sure that I was given the most experienced and empathetic instructor.
Image result for fear water

The next day I went through my refresher and faced my fears, faced the voices of complete terror in my head and had the most spectacular dive. It was beautiful, I wondered why I had waited so long. The whole experience made me contemplate fear and its uses. It protects us, it keeps us safe and stops us sticking wet fingers in plug sockets. Yet there are other times it holds us back in life. It stops us truly experiencing. It also reveals the conversations in our heads that limit us. Now the funny thing was the night before the dive I asked myself the likelihood of the same situation repeating itself… If it did it would be uncanny. I also read the whole PADI open water  book in an evening. I then noticed that each breathing set had two mouth pieces. I would be diving with two people and an instructor - that in itself gave me three options if things went wrong. I have to say I felt much better once I had rationalised it all. I did email my parents and brother and told them I loved them just in case my number was up. It was not and I now love diving again!
Image result for scuba diving

With all the above in mind, what are your fears? What are you avoiding experiencing in life because of fear? What are the fears and how will you face them? I have to say by facing that fear I felt liberated and realised there was so much potential to experience. I then considered what other fears I should face. I then remembered that I had not been horse riding since my horse bolted and threw me onto an electric fence… Oh dear!
Image result for facing fear

You can find my books at the following link: Ruby Allure books on Audible:

The one that is making a big impression at the moment is MONEY FARM
  • Written by: Ruby Allure
  • Narrated by: Helen Lloyd
  • Length: 14 hrs and 6 mins 
  • Unabridged Audiobook
  • Release Date:06-25-15
  • Publisher: Ruby Allure
  • 4.70 (3 ratings)
  • How do you feel about the value of your life being based on the amount of money sitting in your bank? If we are all inter-connected by money, then why do so few people pay attention to how money works? Fear and denial are perfect for generating debt and that is what the world is run on. Now imagine, if in the future, one financial institution became so powerful that it could choose to eradicate the present monetary system. Then what happens?



    A Short Course in Creative Writing
    by Ms Ruby Allure

    Love Hunt: Dating Game Audiobook

    Come on admit it - as much as we deny it - we ladies like a good love hunt.

    We have tick lists, ideals, and we hunt in high-heeled packs. Of course, we're all hunting for that elusive right man who ticks every box and even has tidy nostril hair. Okay maybe not you, but you know other ladies who love the hunt.
    Well, it's time for Eva and Gracie to love hunt, and their "targets" are rich men - the golden sperm. Such exciting escapades would provide the pair with entertaining discussions during their dull office hours - or so they thought. What they did not anticipate was the discovery of the "booby man"; humorous but very hard truths about wealth, themselves, power; and the phenomenon.
    The question remains: can love really be hunted?
     Love Hunt II: The Love Game:, Book 2 | Ruby Allure
    The Love Hunt has returned. Gracie is back on the dating horse after a huge fall in her first tick-list-tastic love hunt.
    Her new dating adventures take her and Eva into the depths of "the love game".
    In the meantime, Eva, the ultimate Russian gold digger, has come to the conclusion that her poor "village idiot boyfriend" will never be enough. He will certainly not pay off her accumulating debts. She needs a rich man, and that means rich idiot dating.
    In The Love Game, Eva and Gracie travel the journey of extreme love learning. On the way, they will discover their love and lust lists, their intrinsic issues, and experience some hilarious and jaw-dropping dates in pursuit of the wealthy ideal.
    All of this in the pursuit of love.
    The Love Hunt II is on!

    Friday 6 May 2016

    What If....
    What if…

    What if the world was filled with contented happy people?

    What if people truly knew how to love themselves and others?

    What if we weren’t bombarded by images that resulted in dissatisfaction?

    What if we weren’t compelled to buy stuff to make ourselves feel better?

    What if people were truly contented with what they had and did not ‘need’ more?

    What if your inner world provided you with absolute joy and you could connect to your source?

    I recently flew from Thailand to London and the above thoughts stampeded about my mind because I had met some truly wonderful, inspirational and happy people in Thailand. What made it more fascinating is that they had nothing. They had given up their ‘stuff’ and their pursuit of stuff to go and truly live. At the same time I stayed at a rather nice hotel and the majority of people, who would be considered rich, walked around with faces like slapped arses. They were very busy trying to ‘out rich’ others. “oh what other exclusive resorts have you visited?” said in a posh voice as an example.  To make matters more insightful, I was reading a lovely book on simplicity just as one woman turned up with about ten suitcases that had to be carried up a pontoon by an entourage. It was absolutely fascinating. It got me thinking about ‘stuff’ and all the stuff that people carry with them or think they need. Who needs ten suitcases of ‘stuff’ for a two week holiday?

    While I was out in Thailand I met up with a great friend of mine. She had taken a sabbatical from work and at the age of 56 had discovered her true passion – diving. She was now training to become a dive master. This woman is an inspiration because she also trains people to fly gliders. Her usual job is in insurance and she had a moment where she thought – this is my life… I have to live it. So she took the leap and requested a six month sabbatical and what she has experienced in six months is beyond belief. In fact when I met up with her she was the happiest she had ever been and was travelling with so little. She admittedly had been a ‘stuff queen’ prior to travel. Something I realised is that those who travel the furthest carry the least because they no longer wish to carry the burden.

    With all this in mind I wondered what would happen to the world economy if people were happy, satisfied and no longer needed stuff. Would it collapse or would something else take its place? At the moment I have no definitive answers to this – if you do then please comment. However, I realised that I have arrived at a point in life where stuff no longer matters. I have necessities and am grateful for those. When you reach this place the question then becomes if you are no longer chasing then how can you contribute to the world? That realisation is a beautiful thing because all that energy that had been channelled into acquiring stuff can be re-directed into creating beauty. So maybe when you no longer chase and look inside then you realise that you are a source of great potential.  There is an unlimited potential to create. The external that had been focused on is beautiful; however, the inner world provides you with a vast resource of creativity, feelings and inspiration. The question is that once you have access then what will you do with it? Imagine if you radiated joy and love that was positively infectious to others. How would that change the world?

    You can find my books at the following link: Ruby Allure books on Audible:

    The one that is making a big impression at the moment is MONEY FARM
  • Written by: Ruby Allure
  • Narrated by: Helen Lloyd
  • Length: 14 hrs and 6 mins 
  • Unabridged Audiobook
  • Release Date:06-25-15
  • Publisher: Ruby Allure
  • 4.70 (3 ratings)
  • How do you feel about the value of your life being based on the amount of money sitting in your bank? If we are all inter-connected by money, then why do so few people pay attention to how money works? Fear and denial are perfect for generating debt and that is what the world is run on. Now imagine, if in the future, one financial institution became so powerful that it could choose to eradicate the present monetary system. Then what happens?



    A Short Course in Creative Writing
    by Ms Ruby Allure

    Love Hunt: Dating Game Audiobook

    Come on admit it - as much as we deny it - we ladies like a good love hunt.

    We have tick lists, ideals, and we hunt in high-heeled packs. Of course, we're all hunting for that elusive right man who ticks every box and even has tidy nostril hair. Okay maybe not you, but you know other ladies who love the hunt.
    Well, it's time for Eva and Gracie to love hunt, and their "targets" are rich men - the golden sperm. Such exciting escapades would provide the pair with entertaining discussions during their dull office hours - or so they thought. What they did not anticipate was the discovery of the "booby man"; humorous but very hard truths about wealth, themselves, power; and the phenomenon.
    The question remains: can love really be hunted?
     Love Hunt II: The Love Game:, Book 2 | Ruby Allure
    The Love Hunt has returned. Gracie is back on the dating horse after a huge fall in her first tick-list-tastic love hunt.
    Her new dating adventures take her and Eva into the depths of "the love game".
    In the meantime, Eva, the ultimate Russian gold digger, has come to the conclusion that her poor "village idiot boyfriend" will never be enough. He will certainly not pay off her accumulating debts. She needs a rich man, and that means rich idiot dating.
    In The Love Game, Eva and Gracie travel the journey of extreme love learning. On the way, they will discover their love and lust lists, their intrinsic issues, and experience some hilarious and jaw-dropping dates in pursuit of the wealthy ideal.
    All of this in the pursuit of love.
    The Love Hunt II is on!