Ruby Allure's Books

Ruby Allure's Books
Ruby Allure's Books

Sunday 17 August 2014

Back in the blogging game

Sometimes an author has to step out of the battle for blog attention for a when working on their books. It is very easy to spread yourself too thin and the priority is writing that book until it is complete. I find that the social media phenomenon can become a distraction if one does not structure their time specifically. When it comes to writing books, one must actually write.

However, there is more than writing to be considered. Obviously we all have ideas that is the easy part for me. Once the idea is ready to be mentally birthed, one has to focus and write and write until the draft is complete. We then have months of editing and re-editing. On top of that you have to step away and make space to see with fresh eyes. Once the book is published the part that is challenging for most authors comes about - that is the marketing...

Since the digital promotion space is in a constant state of flux, it isn't just repeating what has been done before - instead you have to adapt and find new ways. You need to find a unique way to let the world know your literary babies exist... Then the question becomes why do we do this?

It is our passion and passion drives us to contribute to the world and leave a legacy:)

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