Well this is it... There is a tremendous sense of achievement when a person starts with nothing... When I say nothing - never heard of, never known and literally stands at the base of a mountain and thinks - how on earth does anyone ascend such a monster? Obviously that is metaphorical mountain and we all have mountains in our lives to climb. That is probably why we chose to live: to learn, to experience, to grow and be challenged. Or it might be to arrive in the world and buy things and die. It simply depends which school of thought you are in... and whether the conditioning has paid off.

Anyway I deviate. In the school of writing there are only seven narratives and one of these is rags to riches. Again this is metaphorical, it does not necessarily have to do with money. Instead it is associated with starting at nothing - this could be knowledge, experience or actual poverty and through the narrative the 'hero / heroine' develop and become rich. Again this may well be in experience, wisdom or physical wealth. The point is that from nothing something is made. It is the sense of transformation and metamorphosis on the journey that gives the pleasure. Have you ever noticed that you set yourself a goal and that goal enables you to grow, expand and challenge yourself? You then hit the goal and yes you are elated and this elation is short-lived because now you have reached a plateaux and it is time for a new challenge - one that is bigger, better and more challenging.

So you may wonder why I write this - it is simple - I feel the need to inspire others. When you are daunted and doubt that you will make it - keep going. Notice the voice in your head that says you are being ridiculous and thank it. That being ridiculous is a path to change and growth. When everyone tells you why you can't do it - well show they why YOU can. There are so many times on a journey when you desire to give up and all hope feels lost. It is at that point something seems to be testing you and asking you 'how much do you really want it?' It is at this moment you make your decision. Give up and never know or persevere. Well I can tell you 12 years later perseverance paid off. From nothing my books became something and if I can do it... I know others can. Follow your passion and intuition because a desire or a compulsion to contribute is there for a reason. Secretly you know YOUR own reason for doing something. Why don't you let go of your reasons why not and say 'give it a go - in fact give it your best go!'
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